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  • Increase the accessibility of Swedish archaeological data for interdisciplinary and international research and realise the knowledge potential of cultural heritage and environment archives, collections, and registries.
  • Enable data-driven analyses on archaeological information: archaeological surveys, cultural heritage collections, and scientific analyses results.

Swedigarch aims to enable data-driven analyses on a complex series of archaeological, paleoecological, and related materials to advance research on the dynamics between humans and the environment. Swedigarch will support researchers to articulate and address research questions that not only enhance our knowledge about the past but that are of high relevance for understanding the present condition as well as imagining possible futures. Analysing datasets of past human-environment interactions, archaeological research can assess how different socio-ecological systems functioned in the past and identify which factors that introduced vulnerabilities and which built resilience over time. These insights can be applied to identify best practice solutions that inform present-day design, planning, and/or policies of, for instance, institutions and infrastructures.

Linked data, open formats, shared vocabularies, and the semantic web enhance the utility of Swedish archaeological and paleoecological data in national and international research as well as for cross-cultural comparative research.

  • Serve as a resource for cultural and environmental historical research, urban planning, and sustainability analyses, bridging the gap between academia and contract archaeology.

Swedigarch is aimed at anyone creating or seeking integrated datasets from excavations, surveys, landscape studies, and from various sampling situations, encompassing the full spectrum of archaeological, paleoecological, and cultural heritage datasets.

The primary user base is expected to be scholars conducting analyses of the complex relationships between past populations and their environments. However, the goal for Swedigarch is to develop into the standard primary data infrastructure for all users of Swedish archaeological information, for instance in the fields of cultural heritage preservation and urban planning.